Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Adventure Kids Chronicles - Episode 1: Sea Otters, Hammerhead Sharks, Cotton Topped Tamarin and a Madagascar Tenrec

The Adventure Kids had quite an exciting afternoon today!

In the dark, stormy hour after zoo camp ended, the Kids were able to save a sea otter that was tangled in kelp from being eaten by a hammerhead shark AND rescue a lost cotton topped tamarin from certain danger. They were even able to convince that same cotton topped tamarin to return to his den to take a nap with them.

Oh wait, that was just the imaginary part of the afternoon...

The real adventure was in hiding out from the rain in the Natural Encounters building. The Kids got to touch a Madagascar Tenrec and learn all about the adorable little creature. We discovered that this particular tenrec is only found in Madagascar and that they are closely related to the shrew. Good thing that the Adventure Kids have been watching The Life of Mammals because they were able to tell the Zoo employee all about shrews. To our surprise, the Zoo employee has never even heard of the series. How is that even possible?

Learn more about tenrecs yourself:

We also had a chance to check out some four eyed fish, a sloth, a few monkeys and a flying fox. If you are looking for adventure, the zoo is a great place to start.

Until next time, happy trails!

We are Adventure Kids!

Recently, my youngest child decided that she and her brother would be "Adventure Kids," living a life in search of adventure and solving mysteries along the way. Well, who am I to deny a four year old her calling? Since her brother has agreed to go along with this plan, we decided to start this blog to chronicle the life of these two very special "Adventure Kids." I will start with an introduction.

Meet M. The youngest and the genius behind the "Adventure Kids" idea, is a four year old superhero who is obsessed with stuffed animals and snacks. She has strong opinions on just about any topic and is not afraid to let you know what she thinks. In fact, her most used phrase is, "No it's not." Second in overall usage is, "I want something else." She is, in a nutshell, amazing. She is more fun than you could imagine and has the best giggle ever. She also tells a pretty good knock knock joke.

Now you get to meet A. He's the oldest at a wise old age of seven. He's quite the character. He is smart, creative and a mathematical whiz. In fact, he likes math so much that he does it for fun and tries to trip up his parents with complicated math equations while we are driving. He also loves mysteries, adventure stories and anything that involves getting dirty. What's that? A bizarre looking insect that nobody else will even go near? Wait... A has it in his hand, is snapping a photo with his camera and asking to look up what it is so he can learn what it eats. It is now his new pet. A has a heart of gold and worries about everyone and everything. All the time. He also wins the all around best snuggler award if you catch him early in the morning for the sunrise and a "secret breakfast."

And then there is me. Mommy. At least that is what they call me. I'm just along for the ride. Well, actually, I am along to be the driver of this ride and the official scribe since I am the only one who can type. I'm excited to take this journey to the land of fun with these two sweethearts!

We plan to start our new lives as Adventure Kids today. Stay tuned for updates.